Thursday, 20 December 2007

OK so i made a big decision as porn work is slow for me right now, last night i did an escorting job for a friend... i was actually really nervous about it but i have no idea why because it was just like doing a scene with a guy i don't fancy which i have done before! So it's something I'm considering getting into more as allot of porn actresses do it now days. In January my friend has said i can go down to theirs and just get loads of jobs in there as i do not want to do it from my own house, i don't think it's safe. But the lifestyle i live and how i spend i could really use the extra cash, so hopefully i will be going down for a week and making myself a couple of grand!

Also yesterday i did a shoot where i got to wear a strap on and fuck a guy up the ass... was good fun although not really a turn on, great way to take out any rage you have on men or exes.

Nick is really annoying me, he is so possessive for someone who said he 'can't' be a boyfriend.. if i tell him I'm doing a scene he gets so jealous but then i asked him if he would rather i lie about what I'm shooting and he said no! I cant win! He knew what i did when he started seeing me so he needs to get over it. Why do i keep hesitating about dumping him when he's such an ass!

I need to get some balls, although working in this industry is certainly helping. I'm now looking forward to Christmas which was initially going to suck but not anymore as i plan to get very drunk and very mashed thanks to a friend... will be a good one especially if i cant remember it he he.

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