Tuesday, 11 December 2007

First blog!

So decided to start keeping a diary as my life is so crazy right now it would be stupid not to keep a record of it!
If you havent guessed I work as a porn actress, been doing it about 9 months now and wouldn't change a thing, it's gotta be the best job i've ever had... I absolutely love having money whenever I want too as its not something I'm used to but it's giving me a hell of a shopping addiction!

I'm dating a foreign producer that I met on a shoot a few months ago. It's a shame he's such an asshole cause i've never had sex like it! Gunna call him Nick for now. So saw him last weekend, he came over to London on a day after a massive party so I was hungover (can you be hungover without sleep?!) and still pretty wacked out on coke because my friends were just handing it out... and meeting a guy who doesnt drink or smoke or do any drugs is fun trying to act like its just a regular hangover! He's a bit older than me and really stuck in his ways but he confuses the hell out of me because one minute he'll be a stuborn moron then the next day he'll be all cuddly I really dont get men!

We went to some London resturants and he found something wrong with everyone of them arrrrggghhh!! I love my food so people complaining while i'm trying to eat drives me mad!

Anyway back to work. So much for things going quiet over christmas! I've been busier than ever and i didnt think i would need to be tested this month! (Every month everyone in the industry is tested for STD's and HIV... it's how everyone stays safe). I'm working loads this week got a solo shoot tomorrow so technically easy stuff you would think.... BUT.... I have to travel 3 and 1/2 hours to get there, I cant tell you how much i hate trains! I live on the damn things! Then on thursday a spanking company wants to meet with me to discuss giving me regular work, not my fave kinda work, i mean dont get me wrong i like a bit of spanking but i'm not into floggers... but hey! It pays well!

I've had 2 days off and it's killing me, i am so bored! I would rather be at work cause my friends tend to live in London and i dont my days off kinda suck usually and i spend them on my laptop or with my housemates. Same old same old and i am not a fan of routine! Ok i need sleep, have to get up so early tomorrow! Yuck!

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